1. Luckily my mom gifted me her old sewing machine! I’d check thrift shops, marketplace, and yard sales as you don’t need a great machine to learn. You might even be able to find a sewing group and someone might have old items they’re willing to part with

  2. I said. Lot you don’t need but will leave it in case someone new to your site might need the info.
    Then they can do what I should have done first. Check out you 300 plus videos.

  3. One fine day I started sewing, like I got enlightenment to how to sew. But, before that I had seen my mom sewing on her sewing machine. I won’t say Iam self taught completely, but my mom is also an integral part in my sewing journey. Now that I have completely mastered sewing just because of the world of internet .
    ❤ from 🇮🇳

  4. I’m 20 and petite standing at 4 foot 8. I’m tired of non of my clothes fitting me or the clothes that do fit me having to be from the kids section so I’m hoping to learn how to make my own clothes

  5. I think I got my sewing machine for £10. The lady selling it said it had missing parts and maybe someone could fix it or use some parts. My grandad fixed it up and I made me first ever thing with help from someone. (That someone was a construction workers wife 😭 I lived on a site that was still building houses) I made a bag and was over the moon!

  6. Please don’t tell people to use craft scissors! God. Please use fabric scissors. Craft scissors are not sharp enough

  7. I want to sew my dress. Just to shorten the sleeves or to adjust the width of the dress I bought. I never find my bought dress fits for my size

  8. My 11 year old has really been loving sewing outfits for her stuffed animals. She’s gone as far as to ask more and more about it, and even asking for a sewing machine. So here I am trying to learn as much as I can to help her the best way possible!

  9. I just bought a Kenmore 158 on Ebay. The seller has a store that sells old quality sewing machines. For a few $$ more than Walmart (if you say the Walmart machines are in the $100 to $120 range) than you can get a quality machine for just a wee bit more.

    I did originally buy a modern Brother from Walmart but it was absolutely horrible and did not work at all!! The straight stitch sort of worked but because the tension on the machine was all goofed up the thread broke every 3 inches no matter what I did!! And the other stitches didnt work at all. No thread was put into the fabric even though the needle was moving up and down…

    The old machines were made to last. And they often come with the instruction booklet too – as crazy at that seems. Or the seller I bought from supplies them anyway.

  10. Thank god my mom had her old sewing machine she spent seven thousand on it I still don’t get what makes it so great but atleast I didn’t have to buy one

  11. A seam ripper
    Fabric chalk/pencil
    A lighter
    Extra pack of needles
    Container box to store everything
    Lol I like to be prepared

  12. You have access to YouTube. I wouldn’t watch only one channel. The hardest part is figuring out the best keywords.

  13. Those 88$ machine are pretty pretty cheap . Better find sth that last longer than this, trust me. Just add those 10-20$. You’ll thank me later

  14. I’ve started up cycling thrifted clothes for myself cause most isn’t cute or in my size (also I’m semi-punk leaning) so I like to make my own stuff, been trying to hand sew everything and learn more but it doesn’t seem like many people hand sew their clothes anymore so now I have to move into sewing machines and figuring all that out😭

  15. I bought a skyline 7s as my first sewing machine because my husband is supportive af, but I feel like a nervous wreck, I don’t know what to do with it.. and I fear I messed up!

  16. I got a sewing machine at a yard sell for 10 dollars and it was a singers sewing machine so I guess check your yard sells first 😅😅

  17. Always buy the best you can afford. I had a Sears which was okay but when I could I bought a Bernina. I don’t know exactly why but my sewing improved. Some of it was it made better stitches, finer sizes of bobbin case and feed dogs was art of it.
    I have a 2021 treadle singer I am reluctant to sell.
    For your first, you want a zigzag machine. It moves the needle straight and side to side.
    You want presser feet: straight, zigzag, zipper foot. They are like flat head screwdriver, phillips, star, similar but different purposes.
    You need to know you buy a needle to match the fabric you are sewing. One for knits has more of a rounded tip so it doesn’t snag. Get an all-purpose for most sewing. There is a denim or heavyweight, stronger with sharp tip for woven fabrics.
    Another thing to consider is how much strength the machine has. An industrial machine can sew heavy canvas and upholstery, boat weight fabric.

  18. Even if you don’t have sewing machine, you can sew. Learn how to do running stitch and backstitch, you’re good to go.

  19. I learned how to sew in 1975 from my grandma and sewed until 1984 but haven’t since. Time to get started

  20. Started earlier this year with a sewing machine and YouTube videos. Been making simple dresses, skirts and pants since then. Getting better and better with each project. It’s been very therapeutic.

  21. I’m completely self taught and I do great. The internet, library, and experience have helped me more than anything

  22. I’m not even in high school yet and my mom let me have all of her fabrics sewing machine and her thread box, I am self taught and can already create beautiful dresses for my friends, family and myself!

  23. So the part of being afraid to ask for help, 3 years ago my friend’s child was dying literally hanging on by a thread and I am child free so I had some savings and I gave him all the money literally everything because I’ve known him for long and he claims he will pay back .. till now haven’t paid back a dime and he is even borderline rude and disrespectful,. I just found out I have an ovarian cyst the size of 16cm and guess what I can’t afford surgery . I am literally regretting my decision, I have been so patient with this man but now I’m over it.. that part of being generous is subjective . Mind you there’s no one to help I’m alone.

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